Erasmus+ programme countries
Before the mobility
SGGW fact sheet
If you are interested in exchange period at SGGW, start by contacting the International Office/ Study Abroad Office at your home university. To be admitted to SGGW as an exchange student, you must be nominated by your home university first. Nomination is based on current agreement in place between home and host universities within your area of studies. Respective information regarding the nomination, should be provided by your home university coordinator to the following email address: incoming@sggw.edu.pl
- for the fall/winter semester or full academic year is 15 June.
- for the spring/summer semester is 15 November.
If you are not sure, if you have been nominated already, please contact the International Office of your home university.
Only students, who have been nominated in advance, will be able to complete the online application.
Online application
Once you are nominated by your home university, the SGGW INcoming team will contact you with further instructions on how to apply to SGGW as an exchange student. Invitation to fill in the application online for exchange studies will be sent by email (remember to check your junk mail/ spam folder).
Open registrations you can find here:
- for the fall/winter semester or full academic year is 15 August.
- for the spring/summer semester is 15 December.
The application is only available during the designated application periods. Late applications can be submitted, however we cannot guarantee availability of all courses or accommodation on-site with late applications.
NOTE: Late applications may be subject to rejection.
Create your study plan
SGGW applies the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One semester of full-time studies equals 30 credits. During one semester, the minimum requirement is 20 ECTS credits, maximum workload 35 ECTS.
You must fulfill the eligibility requirements for individual courses. Check if you fulfill the eligibility requirement on the course page. If you are an undergraduate student, you may consider courses offered at master’s level, as some departments accept students in their last year of an undergraduate programme.
You can choose the most suitable courses from the list to create your Learning Agreement. The timetable of courses will be available at the beginning of the semester.
In order for a course to start, at least four people need to register for. In case if there is less than four students registered for the course it might be open [if accepted by the Dean of respective faculty].
Your learning agreement should be done through the Online Learning Agreement – a tool allowing to prepare your study programme online.
In order to do a thesis at SGGW, you must find a supervisor at respective faculty/ institute. The supervisor must email incoming@sggw.edu.pl to confirm approval and send us the applicable thesis course code. Such a course/ project could be open provided that the faculty dean/ director of institute approves your individual programme. You may also consider to apply for a traineeship mobility.
Learning agreement guidelines
Veterinary Medicine Students - curriculum and academic syllabus
International students are accepted from 4th year of study.
Language requirements
Good knowledge of English is necessary to communicate and take part in lectures, classes, or other academic activities.
All incoming exchange students have to submit one of the following documents:
- TOEFL Certificate: minimum score: 575 points (Paper), 220 points (Computer) or 75 (Internet)
- TOEIC Certificate: minimum score: 605 points
- IELTS Certificate: minimum score: 5.0
- First Certificate in English from the University of Cambridge
- Certificate of the Home University Language Centre (or OLS test’s result/ another document issued by the university) testifying that the student masters the necessary knowledge of English to take part in academic activities (level B2 or above).
If a student’s language certificate presents a sufficient knowledge of Polish (level B2 or above), the English language demands become redundant.
If the student’s real language abilities do not correspond to the ones stated in the certificate, the student will be sent back to the home institution.
More about Erasmus+
Erasmus Student Charter highlights student’s rights and obligations and presents what you can expect from your sending and receiving organisations at each step of your Erasmus+ experience.
More about Erasmus+ programme opportunities on official website of the European Comission.
VISA issues
Information for non-EU/EFTA citizens
Acceptance letter from host university is required to apply for a Polish D-type national visa.
To be provided with an acceptance letter you need to submit your language certificate and learning agreement first (please mind application deadlines).
List of Poland’s missions abroad
Booking slot for a visa meeting via e-konsulat platform
List of insurers that meet the necessary visa conditions
We advise to contact/ visit website of a respective Polish embassy/consulate in your country to fulfill all visa requirements.
Course Offer for exchange students - first degree studies (BA programmes) 2024/25
Course Offer for exchange students - second cycle studies, including uniform master studies (MA programmes) 2024/25
Course Offer for exchange students - first degree studies (BA programmes) 2024/25
Course Offer for exchange students - second cycle studies, including uniform master studies (MA programmes) 2024/25
OLA video tutorials by the European Education Foundation
During the mobility
Changes to Learning Agreement
If you would like to rearrange your Learning Agreement, fill in the „During the Mobility” section on the Online Learning Agreement platform. Indicate the courses you want to drop or add. The document must be signed by home and host university to confirm the rearrangement.
Any party can signal the need for changes to the study
programme and the student can initiate the changes within five weeks after the start of each
semester. These changes should be agreed by all parties as soon as possible, within two-weeks
following the request.
Your University mailbox and access to Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 allows you to access your SGGW mailbox, use many Office apps and cloud services.
To activate your account and set your password read carefully instruction SGGW domain password reset and go to https://konto.sggw.edu.pl/ to complete the registration procedure.
Your login details (email address sXXXXXX@sggw.edu.pl (students) / pXXXXXX@sggw.edu.pl (staff) and your password) are necessary to access:
- University mailbox via a web browser: https://poczta.sggw.edu.pl
- Ms Office 365 platform via: https://o365.sggw.edu.pl/
- eduroam WiFi – educational roaming wireless computer network available in many buildings on SGGW campus.
Student ID card
All international students studying at SGGW will be provided with a student ID card which is a confirmation that they belong to University’s community. The student ID card is given to the student at the beginning of semester and is valid for six months. The student ID card gives an access for discounts in Warsaw’s public transport, railway transport in Poland, as well as discounts in pubs, clubs, cinemas, theaters, restaurants, etc.
A valid ID card is required when you want to use library materials, gain access to the gym and other student facilities. Cost of the studnet ID card is PLN 22.
If your student identification card is lost, destroyed or stolen, a replacement card will be reissued. Cost of the reissued document is PLN 33.
To get your SGGW ID card, you’re required to submit a photo in eHMS system (a separate instruction will be probided to your email address). The photo should be passport-type and meet the following requirements:
– photo should be in colour, JPEG filE
– background should be uniform and bright
– portrait, with your head and shoulders clearly visible
– photo with sunglasses or hat will not be accepted
– file cannot exceed 100k in size and 300dpi (about 260×340 pixels)Please note: The size of the photo you submit must be less than 100 kilobytes 260×340 pixels. If you need to resize your photo before submitting, you may do so by using any online application.
Please note: Student ID card must be returned to International Relations Office before leaving Warsaw.
Extension of stay
Students coming for the first semester have a possibility to apply for an extension of stay for the second semester. Please contact your home university coordinator for further information. The notification must be submitted by January 15th.

After the mobility
Transcript of records
The courses that will appear on your Transcript of Records have to correspond with the courses on your Learning Agreement and Changes to Learning agreement (if applied). The document will be issued no later than 5 weeks after the assessment period has finished.
Grading scale
Grading is based on a scale ranging from 2 to 5. The passing grade is 3. The relationship between the grading system of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW and that of ECTS is the following:
GRADE ECTS Evaluation
5.0 (5 or bdb) A Very good
4.5 (4+ or db+) B Good plus
4.0 (4 or db) C Good
3.5 (3+ or dst+) D Satisfactory
3.0 (3 or dst) E Sufficient
2.0 (2 or ndst) F Fail
0 (0) FX Resignation
Confirmation of stay
The statement that confirms the period of your stay at the host university will be provided along with your transcript of records. Mobility confirmation covers actual dates of stay, accordingly to academic calendar of the host university.
Share your Erasmus+ experience
One of the best ways to decide whether to take part in Erasmus+ is to hear from those who have already been there.
Erasmus+ Ambassadors may share their experience of living and studying abroad with those who are thinking of taking this decision.
In case you would like to share your experience, please contact our Incoming students team: incoming@sggw.edu.pl

Małgorzata Szczęsna - EU incoming students coordinator
- tel.: +48 22 59 310 46
- e-mail: incoming@sggw.edu.pl
Elżbieta Głowacka - EU incoming students coordinator
- tel.: +48 22 59 310 52
- e-mail: incoming@sggw.edu.pl
Karolina Gajewska - EU incoming students coordinator
- tel.: +48 22 59 310 52
- e-mail: incoming@sggw.edu.pl