As a holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) is able to admit the students from other programme countries (EU member states, and the following non-EU countries: the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey ) to traineeships within Erasmus+ Programme. The traineeships may take place at any of the SGGW’s faculties.
Unlike the Erasmus+ mobility for studies, Erasmus+ traineeships at SGGW might be done also by the students from those higher education institutions located at the programme countries which do not have valid Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements with SGGW.
The application should be submitted at least 1 month before the traineeship starts.
The traineeship may last from 2 months to 12 months (1 month = 30 days), yet it may not exceed the total mobility capital of the student.
In case of VET students minimum duration for the traineeship is 84 days.
Application Process
- The candidate sets up an account in the Internet Recruitment for Candidates System (IRK)
- The candidate uploads into IRK the required application documents.
- The administrative coordinator responsible for Erasmus+ traineeships at SGGW checks if the candidate’s scientific profile fits into the programme offer of SGGW’s faculties and, if so, analyses the completeness of the sent documentation. In case any of the information are missing, he/she asks the candidate in IRK to complete them.
- The administrative coordinator asks the suitable faculty coordinator at SGGW via IRK to consider the candidate’s application.
- The faculty coordinator informs the administrative coordinator via IRK about his/her decision regarding the admission of the candidate. At this point, upon the student’s request, the faculty coordinator or the administrative coordinator may issue a pre-acceptance letter which states that the student will be admitted to a certain SGGW department provided that he/she manages to create the Learning Agreement at the further stage of the application process.
- The administrative coordinator informs the candidate via IRK about the faculty coordinator’s decision.
The candidate contacts the faculty coordinator via IRK. Together they create the Learning Agreement for Traineeships. The student sends the draft for approval to the responsible person from his/her home university.
At this stage the student may ask the administrative coordinator for an acceptance letter which definitely confirms that the student has been admitted to SGGW and will be given a place in one of SGGW’s dormitories.
Application Documents
All the application documents should be uploaded to the IRK system:
- nomination email/ letter from the student’s home University
- candidate’s CV
- cover letter (the candidate’s scientific interests, skills and competences and the planned traineeship period)
- language certificate (the minimum required language proficiency level is B2)
- in case of VET students: a grade sheet (the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine does not accept undergraduate students, only those from the 4th and 5th year may be considered).
And after the candidate’s approval by the suitable faculty coordinator:
- the copy of the Learning Agreement is signed by all three parties (see the INSTRUCTION and TIPS
- the copies of your insurance documents: in accordance with the rules of Erasmus+ programme
The trainees should have:
- accident insurance (valid during the outward and return journey and the whole mobility period and encompassing at least the damages suffered by the student at the place of the traineeship)
- general liability insurance (encompassing at least the damages caused by the student at the place of the traineeship)
- health insurance (EHIC card or in case of the students from the non-EU countries: private insurance).