The agreement between the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the capital city of Warsaw allows for extensive expert, research and didactic cooperation in line with the city’s development strategy. Thanks to it, solutions developed in the course of scientific research will be easier to implement into practice. The cooperation will benefit not only the inhabitants of Warsaw, but also students and graduates of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.
“I am very happy about the agreement signed with your university, because today we focus primarily on environmental protection, food policy, the development of green zones in the city, that is, on all the activities that your school deals with. I am happy to cooperate with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, bearing in mind also the promotion of the city as a whole and showing that such modern courses of study are carried out in Warsaw” – He said President of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski .
“For me, it is important that the goals of the Capital City of Warsaw and the goals of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) are similar in many points. We want to make the campus a kind of demonstrator, an example of how to implement in practice modern solutions related to creating a better environment for people to live in the city.“- he said Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, professor Michał Zasada .
Cooperation in the field of research, implementation and dissemination of knowledge will cover many areas, in particular:
- landscape architecture and art,
- spatial management,
- sustainable development,
- rainwater management,
- food technology and nutrition,
- veterinary medicine,
- forestry and wood industry,
- social sciences, including sociology and pedagogy,
- engineering and environmental protection,
- renewable energy sources,
- technical IT and telecommunications,
- economics and finance,
- agriculture and horticulture,
- forestry,
- biology,
- civil engineering and transportation,
- mechanical engineering,
- quality management.
An important element of joint activities will be the development and implementation of technological and social innovations, especially smart city solutions.
The agreement will be implemented with the use of many different tools. The important ones include: training, workshops, conferences and seminars, as well as the participation of employees of the Partners of the Agreement in committees, councils and advisory teams. Employees of the universities and the administration of Warsaw, conducting joint projects, will have access to the latest and verified data. Thanks to this, students and doctoral students of the university will be able to carry out their diploma theses in accordance with the topic covering the practical aspects of the functioning of an urban agglomeration. Warsaw administration employees will be able to participate in teaching and research projects conducted by the university. In turn, students and graduates will have easier access to internships and volunteering in organizational units of the city. In addition, SGGW and Warsaw will implement joint educational projects financed from EU and foreign sources.
In the ceremonial signing of the agreement, the Warsaw University of Life Sciences was represented by: Prof. dr hab. Michał Zasada, university rector; prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Tomala, Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for development; dr hab. Marta Mendel, Vice-Rector for international cooperation; prof. dr hab. Jarosław Gołębiewski, Vice-Rector for didactics; prof. dr hab. Tomasz Okruszko, Vice-Rector for science and dr inż. Władysław W. Skarżyński, chancellor.
The City of Warsaw was represented by: Rafał Trzaskowski, President of the City of St. Warsaw; Marcin Wojdat, secretary of Mother of God St. Of Warsaw and Ewa Kolankiewicz, director of the Center for Social Communication.
The signing of the agreement is a symbolic moment, which is the next stage of the cooperation between SGGW and the capital city, which has been going on for many years. Many investments that Warsaw has carried out so far have been carried out with the considerable participation of experts from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. It is enough to mention the construction of both metro lines, the National Stadium and the Warsaw Escarpment. Scientists from our university also worked on the design of Radiowo and Łubna landfills and many other studies on waste management. Researchers from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences conducted environmental studies for the purpose of assessing the pollution of sites after industrial production, concerning air pollution and other ecological damage.
Many scientists specializing in landscape architecture have authored studies on urban greenery and Warsaw monuments. Research and educational work for the proper nutrition of young people in Warsaw schools have been an important element of the cooperation so far. Workshops for personnel responsible for nutrition in educational institutions, especially in kindergartens and primary schools, as well as numerous studies facilitating the planning of proper meals for schoolchildren are only a small part of the cooperation between scientists from our university and Warsaw.
Other elements of joint activities were also expert opinions and research works on the protection of animals in urban space. Important issues carried out together with the administrative units of the Warsaw City Hall are also those in the field of pedagogy and sociology. Joint didactic classes for students of these faculties have been carried out for several years.