Academic Senate
1. The Senate is a collective body of SGGW.
2. The tasks of the Senate include:
1) adopting the statute and its amendments;
2) adopting study regulations;
3) adopting the regulations of doctoral schools;
4) adopting regulations and other normative acts specified in the statute and in the act;
5) adopting the university’s strategy and approving the report on its implementation;
6) appointing and dismissing members of the University Council;
7) giving opinions on the candidates for the Rector;
8) evaluation of the functioning of the university;
9) making recommendations for the University Council and the Rector in the scope of their tasks;
10) conferring the degree of doctor in the field on the terms specified in the Act;
11) awarding the title of doctor honoris causa;
12) awarding the honorary badge “For Merits for SGGW”;
13) awarding other honors, medals and decorations, in particular the Medal of the Agronomic Institute in Marymont;
14) determining the conditions, procedures and dates of commencement and completion of recruitment for studies, postgraduate studies and other forms of education;
15) establishing study programs and postgraduate studies;
16) establishing curricula in doctoral schools;
17) determining the method of confirming learning outcomes;
18) nominating candidates for institutions representing the higher education and science community;
19) performing tasks related to:
a) assigning levels of the Polish Qualifications Framework to qualifications awarded after completing postgraduate studies,
b) inclusion in the Integrated Qualifications System, qualifications awarded after completing postgraduate studies and other forms of education – in accordance with the Act of 22 December 2015 on the Integrated Qualifications System (Journal of Laws of 2017, items 986 and 1475 and of 2018, item 650);
20) taking care of the high ethical level of the members of the university community and expressing opinions on the professional ethics of academic teachers;
21) giving opinions on the rules for determining the scope of responsibilities of academic teachers, the type of classes covered by the scope of these duties, including the amount of teaching tasks for individual positions, and the rules for calculating teaching hours;
22) expressing opinions on the termination of employment with an academic teacher employed on the basis of an appointment in the event of reasons other than those specified in the Act or other generally applicable acts of law;
23) defining the rules and procedures for sending employees, students and doctoral students of SGGW abroad for research, teaching and training purposes or for professional work;
24) determining, with the exception of special-purpose and subjective subsidies, the rules for the allocation of funds from the state budget for specific objectives and tasks;
25) issuing an opinion or consenting to perform actions in other matters specified in the statute;
26) creating funds at SGGW;
27) approval of the material and financial plan of the university;
28) expressing consent to take actions aimed at joining SGGW to the federation;
29) expressing consent to SGGW joining the federation;
30) approval of the statute of the federation in which SGGW is a participating unit;
31) conducting proceedings to award the title of professor in a given field, initiated before May 1, 2019;
32) expressing opinions and taking positions on matters requiring such an opinion or position on behalf of the academic community of SGGW, as well as in matters presented by the Rector or members of the Senate in a number of not less than 20% of the Senate;
33) performing other tasks specified in the statute.
3. Resolutions of the Senate are signed by the Rector as its chairman.
4. At the request of the bodies of the student government or doctoral students’ government, the Senate hears the positions of students or doctoral students on the functioning of the university, in particular in 18 matters of education at SGGW.