UNIgreen – UA meeting at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Ukrainians Interns begin their research stay at SGGW.
The final phase of the project known as the Support for cooperation between SGGW and Ukrainian universities as part of the UNIgreen European University – UA alliance, funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange [NAWA] has started.
The event was attended by interns from two partner Ukrainian universities commencing their research stay at SGGW, their supervisors, and UNIgreen coordinators.
The Meeting
The meeting was an excellent opportunity to establish contacts and a cooperative network between project participants and representatives of the UNIgreen alliance.
The beginning of the research stay
The beginning of the research stay at SGGW is very important for the Ukrainian interns.
It is an opportunity to develop new academic skills and expand scientific horizons.
We are glad that scientists have chosen our university.
Sharing knowledge and experience
The meeting was an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences between project participants and UNIgreen alliance representatives. It is crucial for the development of new ideas and initiatives creating space for building international partnerships.
International cooperation
International cooperation plays an important role in the SGGW activities, contributing to the deepening of scientific research and leading toward teaching program unification.