SGGW young researchers on the list of NCN Preludium call
NCN (the National Science Centre) has announced the list of recipients of funds for the cost of research. Young scientists from the SGGW Doctoral School received grants for their research projects in the PRELUDIUM call for proposals
PRELUDIUM is a funding opportunity intended for pre-doctoral researchers about to embark on their scientific career. The National Science Centre’s PRELUDIUM call for proposals is intended for research projects addressed at researchers who are not PhD holders.
SGGW projects:
mgr inż. Aleksandra Matys, with the amount of PLN 129 320.
Badanie wpływu pulsacyjnego pola elektrycznego na metabolizm wybranych owoców i warzyw
mgr inż. Katarzyna Joanna Wierzchowska, with the amount of PLN 209 999.
mgr inż. Marcin Jan Kruk, the amount of PLN 140 000.
mgr inż. Alicja Dołkin-Lewko, the amount of PLN 116 205.
mgr inż. Renata Leszczyńska, the amount of PLN 131 760.
Zdalna ocena dojrzewania naci ziemniaka w doświadczeniach hodowlanych
mgr Nelson Enrique Venegas Cordero, the amount of PLN 139 513.