On January 31, 2022, the SGGW Academic Senate agreed to join the Agreement of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities (KRPUT) on the quality assurance of education.
The purpose of the agreement is to improve the quality of education by creating clear procedures for assessing the conditions and methods of education, and study programs considering systems used in other countries, especially within the European Union’s borders; creating conditions to facilitate national and international student exchange, and promoting study programs that meet high-quality standards.
The voluntary accreditation scheme for study programs will be introduced.
To start the procedure, it will be necessary to declare the readiness for accreditation for a specific study program by at least five universities.
Technical universities, the signatories of the Agreement, have set themselves the goal of creating and agreeing on the standards that guarantee the desired level of education, as well as criteria and procedures for assessing the quality of education for individual study programs.
According to the Agreement, the Accreditation Committee of Technical Universities (KAUT) will be established. It is to be composed of representatives of the signatories of the Agreement and a person appointed by the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities (KRPUT).
The Accreditation Committee’s responsibilities are as follows: ensuring the proper conduct of the accreditation procedure and deciding on granting, postponing, or refusing to give accreditation for a particular study program at a university unit.