Seminars with prof. Manuel A. Pombal

Doctorate. Undoubtedly, this word is associated with terms such as: scientific development, internationalization, interdisciplinarity. In order to implement them, it is worth, among others, organize workshops and seminars with experts from abroad. Thanks to cooperation with the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, doctoral students of the SGGW Doctoral School could participate in a series of seminars with prof. Manuel Pombal from the University of Vigo in Spain. The professor has extensive experience in the field of neurobiology, neuroanatomy and neuropharmacology, thanks to which doctoral students from many disciplines participated with interest in the meetings, including: biological sciences, veterinary, animal science and fisheries etc.


The seminars took place:

* April 15 – Histology and anatomy – nervous system

* April 16 – Histological atlas – an interactive online tool

* April 17 – The human brain – olfactory system and processing of olfactory information


We hope that the acquired knowledge will be used by doctoral students to complete their doctoral theses and/or develop their scientific interests.

Special thanks to Dr. Krystyna Oracz for her help in organizing the meetings.