Scientific research of KN Biotech among the best projects of science clubs

The best projects of science clubs were selected
During the Student Community Gala, on 22 October at the Wrocław University of Technology, the best projects of science clubs carried out at technical universities were presented.
The KOKON Science Clubs competition, organized by the Forum of Technical Universities, is addressed to members and tutors of student science clubs, and its goal is to promote and popularize the activities of scientific clubs and to select the best projects they create.
The activities of student science clubs were awarded in several categories, and the winners were selected from 45 submitted projects by internet voting.
The winner in the research category was the Scientific Club of Biotechnologists, Koło Naukowe Biotechnologów KN Biotech , and its project: A plant-based alternative to cheese ripening with mold as an innovation among dairy analogs
About the project:
The group created a vegetable alternative to long-maturing camembert cheese-like product that best reflects the taste, structure and nutritional properties of the original product. It is based on high-protein raw materials (nuts, pods or plant protein isolates), and some selected species of lactic acid bacteria ensuring a deep, expressive, slightly sour taste, and mold fungi responsible for the characteristic white coating on the cheese.
Additionally, the fortification of plant-based analogs with calcium was carried out to minimize the risk of deficiency of this element for those who use plant-based products.
Congratulations on your success!
The Forum of Technical Universities is an industry committee dedicated to technical universities, which cooperates with the Ministry of National Education and the Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland.