Social insured
Doctoral students who have started their doctoral studies in doctoral schools are subject to compulsory pension, pension and accident insurance.
They are also subject to voluntary sickness insurance.
Each participant of the doctoral school receiving a doctoral scholarship is obliged to complete and submit to the school registry an application for insurance printing ZUS ZUA.
The social security contributions of these persons shall be based on the amount of the doctoral grant
Health insurance
In accordance with Article 2(10) of the basic However, in the case of non-eri team, the commission may 1 points 6 and 14 of the Law of 27 August 2004. on publicly funded health care benefits (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1510) The university managing the doctoral school reports to health insurance and pays contributions for the participants in the doctoral course, when the interested parties provide an appropriate declaration of non-coverage of another title.
The university managing the doctoral school is exempt from the obligation to provide health insurance to a student who has the status of a family member of the insured person.
Doctoral social and health insurance
(premium financing, title fugitives, insurance codes, examples)
- ZUS ZUA - Insurance application/change notification of the insured person's data
- ZUS ZIUA - Notification of change of identification of the insured person
- ZUS ZCNA - Notification of family members for health insurance purposes
- ZUS ZWUA - Deregistration from insurance
- Declaration of non-payment of health insurance under another title.