Offer of second-cycle studies (Master’s degree) in English

Field of studyForm of studiesFacultybeginning of classes
Civil Engineering in English (spec. Engineering Infrastructure)Full timeFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineeringsummer semester
Environmental Engineering in English (spec. Modern Engineering in Water Managment)Full time
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineeringsummer semester/winter semester
Enviromental Protection in English (spec. Restoration and Management of Environment)Full time
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineeringsummer semester/winter semester
Finance and Accounting in EnglishFull timeFaculty of Economicswinter semester
Food Science - Technology and NutritionFull timeFaculty of Food Technologywinter semester
Forest Information TechnologyFull timeFaculty of Forestrywinter semester
Informatics and Econometrics in English (spec. Big Data Analytics)Full timeFaculty of Applied Informatics
and Mathematics
winter semester
Sustainable HorticultureFull time
Faculty of Horticulturewinter semester