Prof. Piotr Szeleszczuk, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, SGGW, was awarded the gold badge by the Polish National Racing Pigeon Association [PZHGP]

On 21 January 2023, at the PZHGP seat located in Orzesze, Prof. dr hab. Piotr Szeleszczuk from the Department of Pathology and Veterinary Diagnostics, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, was awarded the golden badge at the request of Krzysztof Kawaler, President of the PZHGP. It is the highest decoration that can be received by a person who is not a member of this organization. The Polish National Racing Pigeon Association [PZHGP] was established over a hundred years ago, with over 43,000 members, and is also a member of the International Colombophile Federation (FCI) itself. Polish racing pigeons enjoy great recognition all over the world, and our country is a leader in breeding these exceptional birds. Professor Szeleszczuk was awarded for over 40 years of cooperation with the community.
Founder of Columbopathology
Prof. Piotr Szeleszczuk has been recognized as the founder of columbopathology – a branch of veterinary medicine dealing with the pigeon’s health protection.
The term “columbopathology” was introduced into the veterinary nomenclature by prof. Szeleszczuk, and derives from the Latin name of the domestic pigeon (Columba livia) and the Greek words: pathos – suffering and logos – science. Prof. Szeleszczuk has been dealing with veterinary care of pigeons since 1979 [Szeleszczuk P.: Profilaktyka weterynaryjna w hodowli gołębi pocztowych. Hod. Goł. Poczt. 53, 14-15, 1979]. He is an author of many research works and publications in that area, he also dealt with some organizational activities aimed at introducing vaccines used to vaccinate pigeons against Paramyxovirus.
Since the early 1990s, the professor has been very active in training on pigeon pathology for veterinarians and pigeon breeders. During 2008 – 2019, he organized 7 international conferences, which were highly appreciated by veterinarians.
A system of columbopathology practice accreditation
Prof. Szeleszczuk has organized the first system of columbopathology practices under the patronage of the Polish National Veterinary Chamber since 2017. He has developed a system for anti-doping control of racing pigeons in our country and since 2011 he has been managing the Anti-Doping Control Laboratory at the PZHGP. He is a recognized specialist in Europe and a founder of the International Veterinary Pigeon Pathologists Association (IVPA). On 6-7 March 2020 he organized the 1st World Congress of Colummopathologists in Warsaw. During 2020-2022 he served as the president of IVPA and currently, he is the Honorary President of this organization. Thanks to Professor Szeleszczuk the list of veterinary areas was extended to pigeons in 2020.