Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Berger

The celebration of Professor Berger’s 100 birthday
Professor Stanisław Berger, a graduate of UMCS in Lublin, started his scientific career at the UMCS as a junior assistant, and after graduating – a teaching assistant.
In 1950, he moved to Warsaw, to work at PZH [National Institute of Public Health] as an assistant and senior assistant at the Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry. He obtained his doctorate in agricultural sciences two years after graduating and in 1953 he was appointed deputy professor at the Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Zootechnics, SGGW. Since then, his professional career has been continuously associated with our university. Prof. Berger was awarded the post-doctoral title of doctor habilitated in 1961, with the position of assistant professor. In the meantime (in 1957) he was granted a one-year scholarship by the Rockefeller Foundation at Cornell University, US.
At the age of 43, he became a university professor, and ten years later – a full professor.
The knowledge and experience he acquired resulted in the establishment of the Department of Food Technology and Human Nutrition at SGGW in 1958. During 1967–1971 he worked at FAO, Rome as an expert in nutrition.
After returning in 1974 and transforming the Department into the Institute of Human Nutrition, he became its director. Then, in 1977, on the basis of that institution, prof. Berger established the Department of Human Nutrition, serving as its first dean for the following 7 years. Shortly after that, he established another Department of Nutrition Organization and Policy, serving as its head until his retirement in 1993.
From the very beginning of his professional career, Professor Berger’s scientific interests focused on the issues of physiology and biochemistry of nutrition, especially in the area of vitamin A and protein, as well as the broadly understood science of human nutrition, including food policy. Thanks to his direct contacts with leading foreign institutions, many young researchers benefited from internships and scholarships, which significantly influenced the level of teaching.
The Professor’s scientific achievements include over 400 scientific works and articles published both in Poland and abroad. He is also the co-author of several books and publications for various local and international organizations and institutions, such as WHO, and UNICEF.
Thus, the Professor’s contribution to the development of the human nutrition sciences gave him a leading and undisputed position, contributing to making the Faculty of Human Nutrition SGGW famous.
The Professor’s extensive activity resulted in the promotion of over 270 master’s and engineer’s degrees, 19 doctors, and supervision over 5 post-doctoral candidates, 4 of whom became professors.
Professor Berger was awarded the Gold Badge of Honor For Services to SGGW, as well as numerous Rector’s and Minister of Science and Higher Education awards.
The Professor’s knowledge and his unique, charismatic personality contributed not only to the development and high position of the Faculty in Poland and Europe but also to the unquestionable recognition of his authority in the science of human nutrition on an international scale.
For his great achievements in the development of the science of human nutrition, Professor Stanisław Berger was honored with the title of honorary doctor [doctor honoris causa] of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Fellow of IUNS, Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (UK), Living Legend Award IUNS, and one of the secondary school in Warsaw was named after him.
Professor Berger has been a member of numerous organizations, associations, committees, and councils (including IUNS, FENS, EANS, ILSI, ICSU, and INAC). It is impossible to list all the functions he performed, but it is worth mentioning that he was the chairman of the Committee of Human Nutrition Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Society of Nutritional Sciences. He also has other achievements, including the edition of the “Food, Nutrition, Health” journal published by students, and the “Milk for Health” and “Milk at school” campaigns. Professor Stanisław Berger is an unquestionable authority not only for the university staff but above all for students. Despite his retirement, he actively participates in the life of the Faculty, contributing to further strengthening its position and importance for the development of nutritional sciences in our country.