Prof. Dorota Witrowa-Rajchert was elected Chair of the Committee on Food and Nutrition Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences

At the first session to mark the new term of the Committee on Food and Nutrition Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. dr hab. Dorota Witrowa-Rajchert, a staff member of the Institute of Food Science of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), was elected the Committee chairperson, whereas prof. dr hab. Ewa Jakubczyk, also representing the Institute of Food Science, SGGW, was elected Scientific Secretary
Several dozen committees operate at the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). These are groups that bring together specialists in various areas of science. The committees create a space for intellectual exchange and networking among scholars. They are a national representation of scientific communities and disciplines. They perform advisory functions.
Scientific Committees deal with a specific scientific discipline (or related scientific disciplines). Committee members are selected by secret voting. Scientists from all over the country can be candidates and voters. Physicists, biochemists, sociologists, etc. elect their representatives. The committee also includes national members of the Academy (according to their areas of expertise), as well as experts from various fields of economic and social life and the practical application of science.
The scope of activities of The Committee on Food and Nutrition Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences covers the following areas:
- food technology and human nutrition,
- food microbiology and biotechnology,
- food chemistry and biochemistry,
- food physics and engineering,
- food analysis,
- food safety,
- human nutrition.
The Committee was established in 1956.
The Committee on Food and Nutrition Sciences acts as a National Committee for Cooperation with the International Union of Food Science and Technology.
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Jakubczyk