Pastel memories: My macro- and microworld

The exhibition of Tomasz Motyl’s works and the promotion of his “Pastel memories: my macro- and microcosm” album took place on April 2, 2022 at the The Rev Krzysztof Kluk Museum of Agriculture.
The exhibition was attended by representatives of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, including prof. Marcin Bańbura, prof. Magdalena Chłopecka and prof. Marian Binek, as well as the author’s family and friends, Aleksandra Szczudło, Member of the Polish Parliament, prof. Czesław Waszkiewicz – Chairman of the Museum Council, Jerzy Leszczyński – Councilor of the Podlaskie Voivodeship, Weronika Olędzka – Director of the Nursery in Ciechanowiec, and the members of the Collector’s and Hunting Culture Club of the Polish Hunting Association (PZŁ), the representatives of the “Puszczyk” hunt club in Warsaw, and also citizens of Ciechanowiec.
The opening was an excellent opportunity to present the artistic achievements of prof. Motyl, and summaries his scientific and social activities. Professor Motyl is the author of over 200 scientific papers, published in reputable journals with an international scope. A significant number of exhibits, books and publications in the Museum in Ciechanowiec have been acquired thanks to the collaboration with prof. Motyl.
Professor Motyl is also the president of the “Puszczyk” hunt club with its seat in Warsaw, the chairman of the Breeding Committee at the Warsaw District Hunting Council and a member of the Collector’s and Hunting Culture Club at PZŁ, as well as the Journalist Hunt Club. He was actively involved in the restitution of wild animals living in Poland. Professor Motyl has made an invaluable contribution to the preservation of environmental biodiversity by combining his knowledge and professional experience.
Nearly 100 pastel works were presented. The guests could admire not only landscapes but also the world of flora and fauna – an important subject of the exhibited works, as hunting is a great passion of prof. Motyl.
That is another exhibition organized in the Ciechanów Museum. “Bliżej natury” [Closer to nature] was an exhibition organized on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and “Z pastelowego pamiętnika” [From a pastel diary] was opened during the “Forest Festival”.
Tomasz Motyl’s pastel paintings will be available for visitors and purchasers (at really attractive and affordable prices) until 12 June 2022. Feel invited!