Our PhD student Ewa Szczucka participated in the national Congress of Scientific Clubs IKONA 2021

During the Congress at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie, the Academic Gala was held, during which awards were presented, among others in the EkoMasters competition organized by the Foundation for the Quality of Education Fundacja na rzecz Jakości Kształcenia, in which the most interesting ideas for changing the functioning of universities were awarded, the introduction of which could reduce the negative impact of their functioning on the natural environment.
Together with a student of the SGGW Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Natalia Groszyk, they took first place.
Their victory in the competition was ensured by the project of an environmentally friendly application for students "EcoAction Motivation".
The purpose of introducing the application is to encourage students to act for the environment and ecological education through the system of awarding awards for the EkoPoints obtained.
Congratulations on winning and commitment to education for the environment!