Letter to rectors
Deputy Minister Anna Budzanowska sent a letter to university rectors, in which she discusses issues related to the gradual lifting of restrictions on the activities of universities and entities providing education for doctoral students introduced in connection with the epidemic.

Dear Rectors,
in connection with emerging inquiries from universities regarding the regulations contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of May 21, 2020. on the temporary limitation of the functioning of certain entities of the higher education and science system in relation to the prevention, counteraction and combating COVID-19 (Journal of Laws item 911), I present the following information.
On May 25 this year. the provisions of the above-mentioned entered into force regulations limiting the operation of universities supervised by the minister responsible for higher education and science by suspending education at studies, postgraduate studies and in other forms, as well as suspending the education of doctoral students carried out as part of classes by universities and other (than universities) entities providing education for doctoral students, for a period of from 25 May 2020 by 30 September 2020 The provisions of the regulation, in accordance with the authorization contained in Art. 51a and art. 198a of the Act of July 20, 2018. – Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 85, as amended), cover all the above-mentioned types of education.
Pursuant to § 1 sec. 2 of the regulation, the rule is that in the period from May 25, 2020 by 30 September 2020:
- classes conducted by universities supervised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in studies, postgraduate studies and other forms of education,
- classes as part of doctoral student education provided by universities and by entities other than universities
– similarly to the period from March 12, 2020. 24 May 2020. – they will be implemented with the use of distance learning methods and techniques, regardless of whether it has been provided for in the curriculum of a given education, and the use of this method of education is obligatory and not dependent on infrastructural possibilities as before.
At the same time, in connection with the gradual restoration of didactic activity at the university and in other entities providing education for doctoral students, in § 1 para. 3 established in ghouls from the above principles of education with the use of distance learning methods and techniques, and so – in the period from May 25, 2020. by 30 September 2020:
– classes during studies which, due to their specificity, cannot be carried out remotely – regardless of the year in which education is currently taking place, they can be carried out in the traditional way at the seat of the university or its branch; this solution also applies to postgraduate studies and other forms of education which, due to their specificity, cannot be carried out remotely (e.g. laboratory classes, clinical classes, but also in the form of student apprenticeships),
– classes within the framework of doctoral student education, which, due to their specificity, cannot be conducted remotely, may be carried out in a traditional way at the seat of the university or its branch or at the entity providing doctoral student education.
– classes for students in the last year of studies: first-cycle, second-cycle or long-cycle studies, may be carried out in the traditional way at the seat of the university or its branch.
Used in the provisions of the above-mentioned of the regulation, the legal structure relating to universities, as well as other entities providing education for doctoral students, has been applied since March this year. in subsequent regulations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education regarding the temporary limitation of the functioning of certain entities of the higher education and science system. The provisions of the regulation, including the provisions of § 1 para. 2 and 3, relate to all types of university activities referred to in § 1 para. 1 of this regulation, and not only to classes carried out as part of doctoral student education.
The decision on conducting classes at the seat of a given entity, i.e. of the university or the entity providing doctoral student education, are undertaken by the rector or head of the entity providing doctoral student education, respectively. When making such a decision, the rector or head of the doctoral student training entity must also define the conditions for the implementation of these classes and the use of infrastructure, ensuring the safety of the persons conducting these classes and participating in them. I would like to emphasize that the gradual restoration of teaching activities should be carried out in accordance with the procedures ensuring safe functioning in the event of a threat of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
At the same time, with regard to the education of doctoral students, § 2 sec. 2 of the Regulation, a solution was maintained that enables verification of the learning outcomes specified in the curriculum of this education outside the seat of the university or its branch or other entity providing education for doctoral students, using electronic means of communication. With regard to university education, the issue of the possibility of verifying the obtained learning outcomes – credits, examinations and diploma examinations – outside the seat or branch of the university using electronic means of communication is regulated by the provision of Art. 76a of the Act of July 20, 2018. – Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 85, as amended).
I unite my regards
dr Anna Budzanowska
Undersecretary of State in the Ministry
Science and Higher Education