Katarzyna Samborska in the Programme Board of the Warsaw Science Festival

The mission of the Festival is to popularize science. The festival provides a unique opportunity to commune with science and learn about its methods and achievements. During the festival meetings, the achievements of science, its role in the modern world, as well as the usefulness and beauty of scientific research and findings, and their practical effects on economic development and social change are presented. Particular attention is paid to the achievements of Polish scientists.
The Programme Board of the Science Festival consists of scientists representing various fields and scientific disciplines. The tasks of the Board include determining the main topics and composition of participants of the debates, jubilee, and special lectures, as well as general substantive control and evaluation of festival meetings.
Dr hab. Katarzyna Samborska, prof. SGGW – scientific profile
Expertise in: Food Technology
Scope of research:
- food technology
- unit operations in food engineering
- drying of food and biotechnological materials (enzymes)
- spray drying
- drying of honey and concentrates
- microencapsulation by spray drying
- food powders – preparation and characteristics
- membrane processes (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis)
Institute of Food Sciences, Department of Food Engineering and Production Organization
Profile in the Knowledge Base of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences