Warsaw University of Life Sciences https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/ Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:07:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SGGW at ELLS meeting in New Zealand https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/sggw-at-ells-meeting-in-new-zealand/ Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:17:32 +0000 https://www.sggw.edu.pl/?p=230436 The spring meeting of the Task Force (TF) representatives of the universities affiliated to the ELLS - Euroleague for Life Sciences network took place on 17-20 March. For the first time in the history of ELLS, the meeting was held outside Europe and hosted by Lincoln University (LU) in Aotearoa / New Zealand.

Artykuł SGGW at ELLS meeting in New Zealand pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.


SGGW at ELLS meeting in New Zealand

zdjęcie grupowe-sggw

Artykuł SGGW at ELLS meeting in New Zealand pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

SGGW Days https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/sggw-days-3/ Fri, 21 Mar 2025 14:03:19 +0000 https://www.sggw.edu.pl/?p=230296 SGGW Days Please join us on 16 and 17 May 2025 at the Old Campus of SGGW, where the annual celebration of our university, SGGW Days, will take place. The patron of this year’s SGGW Days is the SGGW Main Library-Museum. We will soon present the programme of the event.

Artykuł SGGW Days pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.



Artykuł SGGW Days pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

The 8th International Scientific Conference “Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy” https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/the-8th-international-scientific-conference-economic-sciences-for-agribusiness-and-rural-economy/ Mon, 17 Mar 2025 14:36:33 +0000 https://www.sggw.edu.pl/?p=229718 The 8th International Scientific Conference “Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy” VIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy under the theme: Food Systems’ Security and Resilience. The Institute of Economics and Finance at the Warsaw University of LifeSciences – SGGW is organising the next edition of the annual International Scientific […]

Artykuł The 8th International Scientific Conference “Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy” pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.


The 8th International Scientific Conference “Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy”

Artykuł The 8th International Scientific Conference “Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy” pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

10th Scientific Conference of Veterinary Medicine Students https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/10th-scientific-conference-of-veterinary-medicine-students/ Mon, 17 Mar 2025 14:05:42 +0000 https://www.sggw.edu.pl/?p=229704 10th Scientific Conference of Veterinary Medicine Students We are pleased to invite you to our anniversary edition of the 10th International Scientific Conference of Veterinary Medicine Students. Welcome! We are delighted to invite you to the 10th International Conference of Veterinary Medicine Students, which is jubilee edition of this scientific event dedicated to students. It […]

Artykuł 10th Scientific Conference of Veterinary Medicine Students pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.


10th Scientific Conference of Veterinary Medicine Students

zdjęcie zwierząt: pies, krowa, kura

Artykuł 10th Scientific Conference of Veterinary Medicine Students pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

SGGW partner for Polish Earth Day at Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/sggw-partner-for-polish-earth-day-at-expo-2025-osaka-kansai/ Mon, 17 Mar 2025 08:48:23 +0000 https://www.sggw.edu.pl/?p=229575 In less than a month, on 13 April, the World Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai will open, and on 22 April, during the Polish Earth Day, of which we are a partner, we will present our achievements in sustainability and innovation.

Artykuł SGGW partner for Polish Earth Day at Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.


SGGW partner for Polish Earth Day at Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai

napis SGGW na EXPO

Artykuł SGGW partner for Polish Earth Day at Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

Welcome new International students https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/welcome-new-international-students/ Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:29:41 +0000 https://www.sggw.edu.pl/?p=229053 On 1 March, we welcomed international students who just started their studies in SGGW.

Artykuł Welcome new International students pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.


Welcome new International students

zdjęcie grupowe studentów

Artykuł Welcome new International students pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

UNIgreen Webinar-Green Strategy https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/unigreen-webinar-green-strategy/ Thu, 06 Mar 2025 08:56:11 +0000 https://www.sggw.edu.pl/?p=228867 UNIgreen Webinar-Green Strategy Let’s talk about UNIgreen’s contribution to reducing the carbon footprint and promoting a sustainable futurе. On Thursday, 20 March, 2025, join us for an online event, from 10:00 to 12:00 CET with expert speakers and engaging discussions. Registration  The ecological footprint enables the measurement of the environmental impact of human activities and represents the amount […]

Artykuł UNIgreen Webinar-Green Strategy pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.


UNIgreen Webinar-Green Strategy

wektorowa grafika z miejskimi budynkami w otoczeniu zieleni

Artykuł UNIgreen Webinar-Green Strategy pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

Erasmus+ mobility call for traineeships outside the EU countries https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/erasmus-mobility-call-for-traineeships-outside-the-eu-countries/ Wed, 05 Mar 2025 08:01:52 +0000 https://www.sggw.edu.pl/?p=228695 Students are welcome to apply for Erasmus+ traineeships outside the European Union. The deadline for sending an application is 30 March 2025.

Artykuł Erasmus+ mobility call for traineeships outside the EU countries pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.


Erasmus+ Mobility Call for traineeships outside the EU countries

Students are welcome to apply for Erasmus+ traineeships outside the European Union. The deadline for sending an application is 30 March 2025.

WHO: The recruitment is aimed at students in the first, second, and third cycle of studies (completed at least the first year of first cycle studies) with the status of SGGW students.


WHERE: The traineeship can be carried out in a partner country of the Erasmus+ program (third countries not associated with the program – list). This group of countries also includes Great Britain and Switzerland. The receiving institution can be an enterprise, research institute, laboratory, university from a partner country, or any other suitable place of work.


WHEN: The mobility can be carried out during the Summer of 2025 (at the latest by the end of September 2025). The traineeship must last at least 60 days.



    Financial support for mobility is provided for a maximum of 3 months (90 days). The monthly scholarship rate is EUR 700 except for countries in regions 13 and 14* (the scholarship for these regions is EUR 820). For each mobility, a lump sum travel allowance is provided in accordance with the following guidelines (distance calculated in a straight line from Warsaw to the destination according to the Erasmus+ distance calculator):


    Basic lump sum in EUR

    Green  travel in EUR

    from 100 to 499



    from 500 to 1,999 km



    from 2,000 to 2,999 km



    from 3,000 to 3,999 km



    from 4,000 to 7,999 km



    8,000 km or more



    The student is entitled to 2 or 4 days of subsidized travel depending on the distance of the host institution.

    Students with fewer opportunities (those with disabilities or those who receive a social scholarship in the current academic year) may receive a monthly supplement to the scholarship in the amount of EUR 250.

    *Region 13 countries: Andorra, Monaco, Vatican City State, San Marino; region 14 countries: Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Great Britain



    To take part in the recruitment process, please submit your application by e-mail or in person to IRO:

    • Application-Form-Traineeships outside EU
    • confirmation of knowledge of a foreign language,
    • preliminary consent of the receiving institution in the form of an Acceptance Letter containing the signature of the legal representative of the receiving institution (e.g. president, director, head of the human resources department) and the institution’s seal. If there is no seal, the letter should be printed on the organization’s letterhead
    • two reference letters from WULS-SGGW academic teachers, confirming the candidate’s impeccable reputation and support for the implementation of the indicated practices (unnecessary in case of applying for mobility in regions 13 and 14)
    • a cover letter prepared by the candidate justifying the choice of the traineeship location and the expected mobility results in the context of competence development and additional learning outcomes
    • in the case of veterinary students – approval of the faculty coordinator to carry out internships in the clinic of their choice.

    The following criteria will be taken into account for qualification:

    1. Priority for mobility is given to students who have not yet participated in any form of Erasmus+ mobility.

    2. Additional points will be awarded for mobilities that last at least 90 calendar days.

    3. Other criteria include GPA for the winter semester 2024/25, student status, additional activities at the university, e.g., membership in scientific clubs, sports sections, student organizations (ESN, Student Council), and participation in conferences.

    The deadline for sending documents is 30 March 2025. Address to which documents should be sent: anna_jasiuk@sggw.edu.pl


    Anna Jasiuk

    e-mail: anna_jasiuk@sggw.edu.pl

    tel. 22 59 310 56

Artykuł Erasmus+ mobility call for traineeships outside the EU countries pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

Euroleague for Life Sciences: network development and new directions for action https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/euroleague-for-life-sciences-network-development-and-new-directions-for-action/ Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:00:57 +0000 https://www.sggw.edu.pl/?p=228643 Rectors of universities affiliated with the Euroleague for Life Sciences met at the SGGW Training and Recreation Center in Kociszewo, to discuss strategic documents and set priorities for the next five years of cooperation.

Artykuł Euroleague for Life Sciences: network development and new directions for action pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.


Euroleague for Life Sciences: network development and new directions for action

grupa ludzi na tle budynku

Artykuł Euroleague for Life Sciences: network development and new directions for action pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

Mobility call for Erasmus+ traineeships in EU countries https://www.sggw.edu.pl/en/mobility-call-for-erasmus-traineeships-in-eu-countries/ Tue, 04 Mar 2025 08:02:54 +0000 https://www.sggw.edu.pl/?p=228545 We are opening a mobility call for Erasmus+ traineeships in European Union countries. You are welcome to apply! The deadline is 30 April 2025.

Artykuł Mobility call for Erasmus+ traineeships in EU countries pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.


Mobility call for Erasmus+ traineeships in EU countries

We are opening a mobility call for Erasmus+ traineeships in European Union countries. You are welcome to apply! The deadline is 30 April 2025.


    Mobility call is aimed at students in the first, second, and third cycle studies who have the status of an SGGW student. Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine can participate in the program after the third year of study.

  • WHERE?

    The traineeship can be carried out in an EU member state and or a country associated with the Program, i.e., Turkey, Norway, North Macedonia, and Serbia.

    A student/graduate of SGGW may go for traineeships to a foreign company, scientific and research institution, university with an ECHE Card, non-profit organization, or other type of institution located in a country participating in the Erasmus+ program. The traineeship cannot be carried out during a diplomatic mission in your country, an EU institution, or an institution responsible for managing EU programs.

  • WHEN?

    Mobility should be carried out in the academic year 2024/25 (the end date is a maximum of 30 September 2025). The minimum duration of the traineeship is 60 days.


    The scholarship is intended for up to 3 months (90 days). The monthly scholarship rate is EUR 750 or EUR 820, depending on the country.

    EUR 750 per month

    EUR 820 / per month

    Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye, Hungary

    Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia

    For each mobility, a lump sum travel allowance is provided under the following guidelines (distance calculated in a straight line from Warsaw to the destination according to the Erasmus+ distance calculator):


    Basic lump sum in EUR

    Green  travel in EUR

    from 100 to 499



    from 500 to 1,999 km



    from 2,000 to 2,999 km



    from 3,000 to 3,999 km



    from 4,000 to 7,999 km



    8,000 km or more



    The student is entitled to 2 or 4 days of subsidized travel depending on the distance of the host institution.

    Students with fewer opportunities (those with disabilities or those who receive a social scholarship in the current academic year) may receive a monthly supplement to the scholarship in the amount of EUR 250.


    You can apply for Erasmus+ traineeship using the online form below:


    You must upload the following documents:

    • Acceptance Letter signed by a foreign institution
    • an information clause signed by the student regarding the protection of personal data
    • confirmation of knowledge of a language of instruction of the traineeship at least B1 level: (scan of the result of Matura exam – English advanced level exam passed at min. 50% ), international certificates e.g. FCE, CAE, TOEFL, LCCI)*

    • information for Veterinary Medicine students – before submitting the online form, you must have the approval of the Faculty Coordinator to carry out internship in the indicated clinic

    *Doesn’t apply to English division students


    1. Priority for mobility is given to students who have not yet participated in any form of Erasmus+ mobility.

    2. Additional points will be awarded for mobilities that last at least 90 calendar days.

    3. Other criteria include GPA for the winter semester 2024/25, student status, additional activities at the university, e.g., membership in scientific clubs, sports sections, student organizations (ESN, Student Council), and participation in conferences.


    An online application form with appropriate attachments must be completed by 30 April 2025.


    E-mail: erasmus@sggw.edu.pl, anna_jasiuk@sggw.edu.pl

    Tel. 22 59 310 56 / 49

Artykuł Mobility call for Erasmus+ traineeships in EU countries pochodzi z serwisu Warsaw University of Life Sciences.
