Digital Inclusion
The DigiPlace4all educational platform was created as part of the international project “European Masters of Digital Inclusion” implemented, among others by the Institute for Regional Development Foundation.
The DigiPlace4all educational platform was created as part of the international project “European Masters of Digital Inclusion” implemented, among others by the Institute for Regional Development Foundation.
DigiPlace4all is a space for the functioning of a virtual community of people with disabilities, academic teachers, vocational trainers and employers. Its purpose is to support the development of digital skills of individuals
people with disabilities and the exchange of good practices in terms of access to education and employment. The virtual community is maintained, developed and promoted by its members. Communication channels, available on the platform, enable establishing and constantly strengthening relationships in order to share experiences, knowledge and skills. This ensures that there is an always available and updated source of information and support.
Success DigiPlace4all depends on the activity and involvement of users. By registering on the platform, you can gain:
- a new tool for cooperation with employers and the non-governmental sector;
- support for activities to increase the accessibility of education for people with disabilities;
- a new communication tool between university employees and students with disabilities.
Participation in building the DigiPlace4all community is also an opportunity to strengthen the ties of the academic community. DigiPlace4all in the near future, it will become an accessible, sustainable source of mutual support, translating into an increase in digital inclusion of people with disabilities in Poland. We hope that the platform will prove to be an interesting and useful form of communication and cooperation with students with disabilities. For any additional information, please contact the project coordinator, Ms Małgorzata Polak: , tel. 663 660 049.