Visiting professors
The International Cooperation Office informs about the possibility of co-financing the stay at SGGW of professors from abroad (foreigners) who meet the criteria contained in the Regulation No. 64 of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences dated 18/12/2019
Applications for co-financing (Annex 1 to the above-mentioned Regulation) should be submitted to the International Cooperation Office by April 30 of each year for the next academic year (to:
The inviting unit takes care of the professor, along with the organization of the stay.
According to the above-mentioned by order, co-financing from the University’s funds may apply one a professor invited by the unit in a given academic year, if there was an increase in the number of visiting professors at this unit compared to the previous year.
Law basics
- Regulation No. 64 of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences of Warsaw of 18 December 2019 on the admission of visiting professors
- Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the method of allocating funds for the maintenance and development of teaching and research potential at the disposal of the minister responsible for higher education and science, and for tasks related to the maintenance of training aircraft and specialized training centers for air personnel September 9, 2019 (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1838)
Who can become a visiting professor?
The status of a visiting professor at SGGW may be granted to a person who is not a Polish citizen, holds the title of professor or is employed as a university professor at another foreign university, and is ready to conduct at least 60 hours of didactic classes at SGGW in a given academic year.
What is the deadline for submitting the application forms for co-financing the visiting professor's stay?
All applications for co-financing the SGGW visiting professor’s stay should be submitted by 30 April of the year preceding the academic year in which the visiting professor is to conduct didactic classes.
What is covered by the co-financing of the visiting professor’s stay?
Co-financing should cover the costs of accommodation of a visiting professor in the IKAR hotel (up to 6 weeks) and the payment of daily subsistence allowances (PLN 120 / day) for up to 30 days for each visiting professor at the inviting unit.
What are the next steps after obtaining approval and a status of the visiting professor?
a) Submit an application for conducting of 60 didactic classes by a visiting professor to the Public Procurement Division;
b) Provide the visiting professor’s data and the number of planned classes/lectures in the teaching schedules of the inviting unit in the Pensum application;
c) Submit the Application / Invitation to the International Relations Office;
d) Sign the contract of mandate with the visiting professor.