Foreign delegations
The provisions regulating issues related to foreign travels are contained in the following documents:

- Travel application for employees and doctoral students of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- An exit application for people other than employees and doctoral students
- Foreign travel cost settlement form
- Vehicle mileage records
- Travel expense settlement form - ERASMUS
- Application for a (foreign) transfer

Submitting travel applications:
In accordance with the Regulation No. 6 of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, of April 9, 2009. in order to go abroad, an employee of WULS-SGGW or a person who is not an employee of WULS-SGGW, a doctoral student or student is obliged to submit at least 14 days before departure, at the International Cooperation Office (ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warsaw, building 8, room 19), an application form for a trip abroad.

The scope and amount of benefits that may be granted to the leavers depends on the type and purpose of the trip and on the financial capacity of the SGGW organizational unit.
If you are travelling abroad for business (e.g. to attend scientific conferences, sympos, congresses), you are entitled to: allowances and financing of travel, travel and commuting costs, accommodation, visa fees, insurance, fees related to participation in conferences, sympos and congresses.

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs - information for travelers
- IATA information on restrictions on air transport in the world due to the coronavirus epidemic
- NBP exchange rates
- The amount of the diet and accommodation limit in individual countries per day of travel
- Odysseus system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Where to start preparing a foreign delegation?
Preparation of a trip abroad should begin with filling in an application form. The application should contain all information about the place and purpose of the trip as well as the estimated costs. The completed application should be submitted for approval to the Head of the Department and the Director of the Institute.
Where and when should the travel application be submitted?
The application should be submitted to the International Cooperation Office, ul. Nowoursynowska 166, bud. 8 pok. 19, the application can be sent in the EZD system. After verification, the application will be presented for approval by the Rector for International cooperation.
What documents should be attached to the application?
The application must be accompanied by an invitation or, in the case of a conference, confirmation of registration. In the case of payment for participation, an invoice, registered in the EZD system, or transfer details must be attached.
Justyna Młynarska
Office for International Cooperation
Ul. Nowoursynowska 166 bud. 8 room 19
tel 22 59 310 43
Dominik Zaremba
Office for International Cooperation
Ul. Nowoursynowska 166 bud. 8 room 19
phone: 22 59 310 44