His Magnificence Rector and the Senate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW kindly invite to the solemn inauguration of the 2023/2024 academic year
The third meeting of the U-GREEN project partners focused on university collaboration to promote green transformation and sustainable practices in education.
Starting a new semester as a foreign student might be an overwhelming prospect but take a deep breath, relax and come join us on Welcome Day on 7th of October addressed to all international students beginning their adventure at SGGW.[...]
The exhibition and scientific session dedicated to the memory of the first SGGW Rector, prof. Józef Mikułowski-Pomorski
A scientific session and exhibition dedicated to one of the founders of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the first SGGW rector, prof. Józef Mikułowski-Pomorski was held on 16-17 September, 2023 in Lipnik.
The Conference celebrating the anniversary of the 100 birthday of prof. dr hab. Stanisław Berger
On 14 September 2023 a scientific conference titled ‘Collaboration in promoting eating habits for public health" was organized at the Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences, SGGW. The conference aimed to honor Professor Stanisław Berger and his remarkable achievements. It coincided with the celebration of Professor Berger’s birthday.
His Magnificence Rector and the Senate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW kindly invite to the solemn inauguration of the 2023/2024 academic year
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