“All windows for house martins. Bird stories from the neighborhood”
Paweł Pstrokoński (born 1988), an ornithologist and promoter of nature, SGGW. He conducts field trips, lectures, and workshops performs on the radio and writes press articles. He has published in “Tygodnik Powszechny”, “Wiedza i Życie” and “Zieleń miejska” journals. Pstrokoński is the author of „Wszystkie okna dla oknówek. Ptasie historie z sąsiedztwa” (All windows for house martins. Bird stories from the neighborhood). He is also involved in activities related to nature protection in Warsaw. He lives with the house martins in Warsaw, Żoliborz.
His book titled „Wszystkie okna dla oknówek. Ptasie historie z sąsiedztwa” (All windows for house martins. Bird stories from the neighborhood), published by the Czarne Publishing House, is taken into consideration in the literary contest:
Literary Debut – Pióro Roku 2021 https://autorzywobiektywie.pl/debiut_literacki/
Love, betrayal, power struggles, breakups, and returns. And apart from the dramas, ordinary matters; taking care of children, and the house, making sure there is something to put into the beak. This is not a summary of the soap opera episode, but a description of the birdlife.
The book is an engaging story about the daily struggles of the birds living in the cities, next to the people. Swallows and swifts flying across the sky crows poking around in the trash, less and less numerous sparrows, and the ubiquitous pigeons. And then, the less common and less known species: singing warblers (Sylviidae), drumming woodpeckers, falcons nesting at skyscrapers and chimneys, and even a white stork, tawny owl, and white-tailed eagle – these are the main characters of this book.
Pstrokoński emotionally convinces the reader that a face-to-face meeting with a bird’s neighbor is possible anytime and anywhere; on the way to work, cafe, or shop, walking down the city center, in a park, or at the riverside meadows. Even a city of concrete can turn into a fantastic jungle perfect for watching nature.
Source: https://autorzywobiektywie.pl/debiut_literacki/
Photo by: Katarzyna Roguz