Workshops on cultural difference – June 10, 2024

One of the effects of the internationalization of the Doctoral School is the increasing number of doctoral students from abroad.

Currently, 41 foreign PhD students from 13 different countries are studying at SD. To understand how different approaches we can have to different issues, workshops on cultural differences were organized again, led by Ms. Joanna Brzozowska, a member of the SD Program Council, on June 10, 2024. Ms. Joanna Brzozowska, who is a representative of the economic environment in the Council, has traveled literally half the world as part of the audits she has carried out, so her experience is very valuable. During the training, participants could see how body language can be interpreted differently and what stages the introduction to a new community consists of. During the discussion, participants also compared the approach in their countries of origin, e.g. in terms of time (on time or quite conventionally), formalities, focusing on the individual or group, etc.

The participants were often surprised by the information they obtained and expressed their satisfaction that they could take part in such a training, thanks to which they learned many interesting things.


We would like to thank Mrs. Joanna Brzozowska for her time and conducting the workshops and we ask for more workshops of this type in the future.


Image source: Easy-Peasy.AI