3 czerwca, 2020
Seminarium z prof. Francesco Busato nt. „Dynamic models with environmental implications” – 3 czerwca 2020 r.
Francesco Busato; tenured full professor at the University of Naples Parthenope; Ph.D in Economics and Finance at Columbia Univeristy (2004) under the supervision of John B. Donaldson, Paolo Siconolfi, Edmund Phelps and Robert Mundell. Covered a position as assistant Professor at the Univeristy of Aarhus (DK), University of ROma 3, Associate and eventually Full Professor at Univeristy of Naples Parthenope. Publishes papers on peer reviewed journals, e.g. Economic Theory, Journal of Economics, Research in Economics, Economics Modelling, Journal of Macroeconomics, Economic Letters, Review of Law and Economics, Journal of Cleaner Production. Teaches classes both at graduate (Ph.D / MA) and undergraduate levels.